Thursday, February 23, 2012

SMO - The New Wave in Online Marketing

With the introduction of newer Web channels like blogs, social media channels, social bookmarking sites and various social networks, search engines are no longer the only source of valuable traffic to your website.
A good article or a good story on a popular social media site can drive more traffic to your website than a top search engine ranking.

 All this has created a new process called Social Media Optimization (SMO).
SMO is the new form of Word of mouth marketing through the use of social bookmarking, social networking and media sharing (video, photo, presentations etc) websites. The prime motive of SMO is giving people a cause to visit and connect to your website because of the interesting and unique content.
Social Media Optimization (SMO) is entirely different from Search Engine Optimization (SEO). With Search Engine Optimization you are marketing to the search engines while with Social Media you are marketing directly to your targeted audience. Search Engine Optimization is all about building search rankings on the search engines while SMO is all about building a brand image for your business and lasting relationships with your target audience.
Basic rules of Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  • Increase the likability by adding unique and appealing content that others will want to utilize as a resource.
  • Include "Quick Add" links making it easy to, digg, etc.
  • Using Permalinks and listing latest connecting blogs on your site gives more visibility to those who link to you.
  • Submitting your content to relevant sites will help your content travel more, and ultimately drive links back to your site.
  • Participating in different forums and blog commenting helps your message spread faster and further. It helps a lot to be more open about letting others use your content (within reason).
An aggressive and an excellent Social Media Optimization approach is how intelligent companies gain tactical benefit over their competition. It is the smart social strategies and techniques that help good companies become great companies.
Felix labs is a complete web development and web design company [] providing web designing, web development, flash animation, 3D animation and SEO/SEM services. At Felix Labs, all the websites developed are SEO friendly and SEO ready at launch. Our SEO/SEM service includes all on page and off page techniques and SMO approach for best results in online marketing.

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